It’s time for DOKUDOC in Maribor
Join us from 4th – 8th September for yet another documentary harvest in Sodni stolp Maribor, Slovenia. Our mission, bringing together the power of filmmakers and the audience will again come alive. There are 5 days of international documentary festival ahead of us, when the beam of projector light turns on and draws the documents of time and space onto the screen. Just like in previous years, the entry to all the projections is free.
International documentary film festival DOKUDOC, organized by MITRA in collaboration with the DOKU team and many partners, now in its eight-consecutive year picks the fruits of documentary works, which will come in touch with the audience under the spotlight from 4 to 8 September 2019.
In Sodni stolp we’ll also get a chance to watch some worldwide film hits in section DOKU Multikulti; co-productions, which we only want to see more of in Slovenia.
There is an open call for 2 different DOKU workshops, one focusing on working with potential creators of documentary films and the other offering insights on how to write a film critic.
You’re cordially invited to the documentary harvest, to the celebration, where we wholeheartedly surrender to the documentary genre.
Your DOKUDOC team
Programska selektorica: Maja Malus Azhdari; Email: maja.malus.azhdari@gmail.com
Spletna stran: Galerija Unuk; Igor Unuk; Email: igor.unuk@gmail.com; Tel: 052 655 606
Tehnična podpora projekcij: Maki ‘ma kino; Marko Makuc; Email: marko.makuc@gmail.com; Tel:040 309 486
Avtor fotografije plakata: Vladimir Gogić
Festivalski fotograf: Janez Klenovšek
Oblikovanje grafične podobe: Hišna Produkcija
Oblikovanje maskote: Mira Strnad – Miricota
MITRA, razvoj avdiovizualne kulture in medkulturnega dialoga
Gregorčičeva 26, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija
dokumentarci.si@gmail.com , 040187977